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Help > Phoenix Diagnostic Tool > How to PDT Vesion3/4 Vehicle >

Click "Connect Vehicle" to get vehicle information. When the vehicle information comes, the ECU names of the vehicle will be listed in the comboBox under Control Units.To communicate with the PDT Vehicle, the Adapter (communication inference) is designed to automatically adjust the settings.

Supported  communication inference; VOCOM, VOCOMII, NEXIQ, NEXIQ 2 and etc..


1- PDT Tool Menu;

2-Connection Vehicle

The section where we will get the vehicle information after the PDT is opened.

Connect Vehicle Button:  Click "Connect Vehicle" to get vehicle information. When the vehicle information comes, the ECU names of the vehicle will be listed in the comboBox under Control Units.

Perform PDT operations via ECU. To start the work, we need to select the ECU (Control Unit) that I will operate.

3-Connection Information from Phoenix Diagnostic Tool.

When the vehicle is connected, the Ecu we want to process is the area we choose.

When Selected Ecu: Ecu's info fill on PDT.

4-Selected ECU Part Information..

This area show Selected ECU Part Information.

5-Selected ECU's  DataSet Information

This area show Selected ECU Part Information.

6-Backup Ecu Parameters &  Backuped Parameters Page

You can back up vehicle parameters in case of any problems before taking action.

Backup Ecu Parameters

*Select which ecu wanted to backup parameter.(posible selection multiple ecu) After Presss Add Ecu Backup After press Backup Parameter Now!.

Tool Will backup parameters selected Ecus.

Backuped Parameters Page

Backuped Parameter Page is, you can see backuped parameter list...


How To Use Backuped Parameter Page

1-Select the chassis of the vehicle for which you took the parameter backup.

2-Select one of the ECUs of the vehicle you have backed up the parameters

3-It lists the parameters of the Ecu you have taken the parameter backup. You can also edit the parameter value by clicking the "Value".

4-Shows metadata information about the selected parameter

5-Remove selected parameter on list.

6-If edited Paramemeter Vaule you can update on list for next.

7-Remove  Backup Selectec Ecu.